The City Of Abbadrah

The City Of Abbadrah
The City Of Abbadrah The Hyborian Age Abbadrah

The City Of Abbadrah

The City of Abbadrah

For a time, the city of Abbadrah sank into ruin, a shadow of its former splendor. Once a beacon of Shemitish opulence, it was laid waste and abandoned, its streets choked with the dust of centuries. Yet fate’s cruel whim would see it repopulated, only to be forsaken and resettled twice more, each resurgence a mere flicker against the encroaching darkness, its glory steadily receding into the mists of legend.

The reasons for Abbadrah’s downfall are shrouded in enigma, whispered of in the same breath as ancient curses and the sinister machinations of eldritch powers. Even as its outer precincts crumbled, surrendering to the relentless sands of time, the heart of the city pulsed with a decadent vitality. Beneath the watchful eyes of its formidable guardians, the opulent palaces remained inviolate, their gilded halls echoing with the laughter of the elite. These privileged few, ensconced in their glittering sanctuaries, continued to revel in luxuries while the common folk toiled in the city’s skeletal remains.

Here, amidst the decay and the splendor, Abbadrah lingered on—a city of contrasts, where the sinister beauty of Shemitish culture persisted, a jewel half-buried in the sands of oblivion.

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