Pelishtia – The Pastoral West

Western Kingdoms

Central Kingdoms

  • Pyrrhenia
    • City-States
      • Khyfa
      • Eruk
        • Cities
          • Alaraam
      • Akbitana
      • Yamman
      • Nippr

  • Almari
    • City-States
      • Becharadur
        • Cities
      • Nakhmet
        • Cities
          • Buryat

Eastern Kingdoms

  • Yafar
    • City-States
      • Shushan
        • Sabatea
      • Sark
      • Q’jara
      • Shumir

The Plains of Pelishtia stretched out far beyond the immediate vicinity of the Rivers Styx & Asgalun, in a complex mosaic of green fields and pastures. The land was well-watered, allowing for the grazing of cattle, sheep, and goats. Herds roamed freely, tended by shepherds who sang songs of the land’s bounty and the rivers’ blessings. The pastoral lifestyle flourished, as did the communities that depended on these animals for milk, meat, and wool.

The Styx and Asgalun, with their life-giving floods, were the arteries of Pelishtia, sustaining a civilization that grew prosperous and powerful. The cities that rose along their banks were centers of trade, culture, and learning, their markets brimming with the produce of the fertile lands. Artisans and craftsmen created works of beauty, inspired by the abundance around them.

The Forested regions near the Styx and Asgalun were not only sources of material wealth but also of spiritual significance. Sacred groves dotted the landscape, places where the people of Pelishtia worshipped the gods and goddesses who blessed the rivers and their cycles. These groves were considered sanctuaries, where the bond between the land and its inhabitants was celebrated and reaffirmed.

Pelishtia, with its lush farmlands and green pastures, was a testament to the symbiotic relationship between the rivers and the lands they nourished. The bounty of the fields and forests stood in stark contrast to the arid expanses of eastern Shem.

The chronicles record this age of abundance in Western Shem.

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